We have created three strike teams to dive deep into issues of critical importance to Ohio corn and small grain farmers: Ethanol, carbon markets and vomitoxin.
Each strike team has been charged with learning about its respective issue, developing a report and recommending actions for the checkoff and association boards to consider. This process will help the OCW boards make sound decisions backed with facts and logic.
Strike teams have an aggressive schedule, and decisions are currently being made about reconvening after planting.
Jon Miller – Chair
Luke Crumley – Staff Lead
Tyler Drewes
Jeremy Edger
Eric Tipton
John Davis
Paul Herringshaw
Eric Richer
Jessica D’Ambrosio from TNC
Jordan Hoewischer from OFBF
Brent Sohngen, The Ohio State University
Keira Franz from NAWG
Kim Ratcliff, FrazierHeiby
Beth Toot-Levy, GeoSyntec
Abby Shipley
Ben Klick – Chair
Tadd Nicholson – Staff Lead
Fred Miller
Keith Truckor
Lawrence Onweller
John Settlemyre
Ray Van Horn – Chair
Brad Moffitt – Staff Lead
Jed Bower
Gail Lierer
Roger Maurer
Eric Neer
Denny Vennekotter
Aaron Heilers
John Schroeder
Stephanie Bowsher
Nick Wolford