Ohio Corn & Wheat
Growers Association

You matter. Your family matters. Your membership matters.

Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association (OCWGA) is a collective membership driven organization of nearly 2,000 Ohio farmers. The association’s primary goal is to advocate, promote and enhance opportunities for Ohio grain farmers.

If you are a farmer in Ohio and you grow corn, wheat, barley, rye or oats, the growers association should be important to you. Membership in the association is vital to helping to grow and sustain your farm operation and your role in Ohio agriculture.

Ohio farmers are stronger together, and we need your help as we set the record straight and educate regulators and consumers about Ohio’s corn and small grains industries. Policy makers and consumers alike are more-and-more removed from the farm and often times have little to no knowledge of modern agriculture.

Association members take an active role in advocating for farmers at both the state and federal levels of government. The growers association prides itself on staying ahead of issues that have the potential to impact the way farmers make a living. Policymakers in Columbus and in Washington need to know what issues are important to Ohio grain farmers and their advocates. Legislative leaders know that the growers association, and its members, can be respected and trusted.


Contact Your Legislator

The growers association is not funded with checkoff dollars. We depend solely on membership dues of committed Ohio farmers who want to ensure a bright future for their families and farms.

Your membership helps us to advocate on issues like:

When you become a member of the growers association, you help to build our collective strength and help us to fight more effectively for you. 

Become an Industry Partner

Support the organization that directly benefits and advocates for your customers every day. Please contact Tadd Nicholson, Executive Director at Ohio Corn & Wheat, for more information.

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