Ohio Corn & Wheat
Growers Association

Tadd Nicholson

Executive Director

Tadd Nicholson has served as the executive director for the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association (OCWGA), the Ohio Corn Marketing Program (OCMP), and the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program (OCMP) since 2011. In this role, he is responsible for carrying out the programs of the producer-driven corn and small grains checkoff boards. Nicholson oversees all programs’ market development and promotion activities, as well as its educational, communication, and research projects. 

He is charged with the checkoff program’s mission of increasing corn and small grains demand and usage through new technology and increased market opportunities. His responsibilities also include the development and implementation of legislative, educational, communication, and grassroots programs for a statewide OCWGA membership base. Specific activities include developing strategy to mobilize members and empower them to play an active part in the state and national political process.

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