Ohio Corn & Wheat consisting of Ohio Corn Marketing Program, Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program and Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association investing in the future of our industry by understanding the importance of the next generation.
The Collegiate Policy Academy is connecting college students with public policy leaders in Columbus and Washington D.C. along with networking and professional development opportunities.
A committee of Ohio Corn & Wheat Board Members and Ohio Corn & Wheat staff members will review applications. The Committee will request an interview of the final candidates, virtual (zoom) or in person the week of October 22, 2024. If accepted, please plan on attending the CPA Professional Development workshop December 17-18, 2024.
Collegiate leaders selected for this program will be asked to commit participation and attendance at various events including, but not limited to, the Washington, DC mission, professional development and networking events, and participation in a two-day orientation prior to the experience.
Contact Mackenzie Ott, Intern, Ohio Corn & Wheat mott@ohiocornandwheat.org.
Collegiate Policy Academy will be awarded competitively based on merit and will be available on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, age, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, or military or veteran.